About us

Garden Nook was born out of a love for nature, community, and growth. 

Founder, Andrea Cima, first fell in love with growing plants when she learned how to propagate Rosemary clippings. It seems like a small discovery, but the connection to these clippings and watching their roots take form became a source of self-care for her. Soon thereafter, the dream of Garden Nook also took form. Andrea’s mission was to share plant-love with others in an easy and affordable way while building a community of gardeners connected by sibling plants. 

Garden Nook has grown a lot since the early days, but the mission to share plants as a source of self-care and community remains the backbone of the company. This mission runs through every aspect of Garden Nook, these days the company is comprised of 3 sisters who all share the vision of making plant-love and lifestyle accessible to everyone. Ash Romo is passionate about creating sustainable practices to keep the business in line with a greater purpose, to spread the love of nature using methods that do not also harm the environment. Alexis Mavromatis is a master crafter who makes plant tools and accessories to enhance the home decor aspects of our plant boxes while providing support for our plants. Her love of upcycling materials into something new and useful became a source of inspiration in the curation of each box.

Together, we live our mission every day, creating community and joy around a love of plants. We hope you will join us!